Tuesday, May 31, 2011

May 31

mammon - may 28 2011

the average human...with money :

1-a perverse heart
2-enters money
3-ability to manifest the perversion
4-environment now reflects state of heart
5-not responsible for consequences
6-others will pay
7-institutionalization of  the situations...that is...rituals...patterns and habits replace pure authentic love

there is a better way :

1-embrace LOVE
2-love is the pathway to all truth...learn and follow
3-you live love
4-enters money
5-environment begins to reflect this
6-others benefit
7-organic...authentic life 


Monday, May 30, 2011


the year...1990...my roommate turned out to be more than slightly insane...so i asked him to leave at the end of the month...three in the morning i hear someone on the phone...i figure he is making another long distance phone call...(stiff me with the bill kinda thing)...he is talking to this girl from truro...telling her what he is going to do with some naked lady who is apparently in my living room...i get out of bed and the confrontation begins...he screams and yells and charges me...i cock my right fist back and he yells again...this time in fear...he runs downstairs right through an antique door...he says..."please don't hit me"...i tell him shut up...and i attempt to help him up...(he awoke my downstairs neighbors)...he runs out the door into the night...i go upstairs and the naked girl is now wearing clothes...i apologize and ask her if i can drive her home...when i return...there is my roommate...with the police...he is accusing me of murdering the girl...i explain what happened to the cops...the big cop says..."i'm no rocket scientist...but i think i can figure this one out"...he takes my roommate and fires him into the back of the paddy wagon...next day at work...my roommate makes an appearance...i tell him that i will help him through certain issues if he wants...he just looks at me and says..."who are you to judge me???"...the end .

Saturday, May 28, 2011

i will follow april 16 2011

how does one betray one who loves them???

1-form a relationship
2-about self...though usually seems otherwise at first
4-house of sand...love is the only solid foundation
5-the more "in the wrong" the person is...the more they will attack after the division
8-change the facts
9-proceed with the rest of their lives

in essence...a relationship all goes to shit immediately...it just takes time to reveal all things...but this is not what we desire...LOVE MUST RULE!!!

1-form a relationship
2-god is in the midst
4-house built on rock
                          -passion for truth
8-things clarified...lessons learned
9-move on

"what god brings together...let no one take apart"

Friday, May 27, 2011

use or be used - sept . 4 2010

most are happy to use or be used...this is what we refer to as a "successful marriage"...anyway...the shit really hits the fan when both want to use...or both want to be used...now...come divorce court...it is never put in these terms...there is always some piece of bullshit that hides the terrible ugly truth...sad...maybe if the truth could actually be embraced...there could be the possibility of healing...luv stu

dynamics :

1-a hole is created within
2-needs manifest
3-all is distorted to pretend this is a good thing...opposed to neurotic
4-"fall in love"
5-works for a while because needs are being met
6-truth rears its ugly head
7-choices to be made-justify
                               -become numb
                               -become aware and grow and learn

live luv

Thursday, May 26, 2011

your lucky day???

now...on the "live love" blog...stu's book...BASTARD WINDOWS...and it is no longer upside down!!! or...if you want your own copy...(and i hope you do)...buy it on AMAZON . COM...(under books)...luv stu

May 26

flesh and spirit - july 3 2010

the act of destroying someone who is different...they virtually always remind us of some aspect of self that has never been embraced...then god is brought into the picture...it is perceived as his idea and not our own...this , of course , is blasphemy...god is light...let him change your mind...religion bends your mind into sin...love heals and gives one a new perspective...and god is love.

dynamics :

1-an aspect of our lives is out of balance
2-it is not dealt with
3-someone must pay
4-it is projected upon another
5-we hurt them
6-justification...project upon god
7-harden...forget...get angrier

yourself...deal with it

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

mistaking left from right - may 21 2011

a friend of a friend went to the u.s.a. for a visit...unfortunately the joy came to an abrupt halt when their dog suddenly passed away...for whatever reason...they put the dog in a suitcase to bring back to canada for a proper burial...this would not happen , however...as someone stole him from the bus...(obviously not knowing that the very heavy suitcase was not filled with materialistic goodies)...indeed...such is the human race...we take all that we can...and it simply does not go to a good place...there is a better way .

dynamics :

1-we desire...nothing wrong with how we feel...feelings are neutral...it is what we do with them
2-we become aware of the silliness of desire
3-we switch modes from taking to giving
4-we embrace our heart...circumstances...and a life disciplined by love...all of this will slowly change our environment
5-we have no agenda....we just watch and see what love will do

live love

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 24

greatest story ever told

so there i was at my friend brad's place again...i had to fart...i went into his kitchen...put some peanut butter on my finger...went back into the living room...farted...then pretended to wipe my ass with the finger full of peanut butter...his young boy simply looked at me with shock and horror...as for the oldest...he threw up all over the fucking place...brad laughed his hole off...mom... was not impressed...luv stu

Sunday, May 22, 2011

strong delusion - aug. 28 2010

what we like in a person...we make it us...not because it is...but we are so blind we can call ourselves anything and believe it to be true...then we defend it with violence...bullshit always has to be defended with some sort of violence...anyway...turn around...look into the light...see truth...and have the humility not only to accept it...but to do something about it.

dynamics :

1-we are who we are
2-we pursue our own desires...which cause us to live in a state of blindness
3-we rebuild our identity upon feelings and desires instead of truth
4-we defend with violence
5-we navigate around life for this to be defended
6-a religion is formed to glorify our new identity
7-we simply learn how to perfect being someone other than ourselves

humility...passion...and relationship...are the tools to break this cycle
live luv 

how to understand religion part 2

discerning the truth of your religion

1-does it lead you into intimacy...or do the rules put blocks in your relationships??? 2-is transparency facilitated??? or does the structure allow for things to be easily hidden??? 3-is there any violence in the defense of your religion??? (violence is a sure indicator that your belief system is wrong)...4-is someone attempting to control your sexual behavior??? (traditionally...people who control ones sexuality...easily control other aspects of the individual)...5-are you afraid to exhibit hurt or pain??? (love embraces the entire individual...not just pieces).

Saturday, May 21, 2011

how to understand religion part 1

being human part 5

there is god...and then there is man...to attempt to bridge the gap...we made religion...in religion...we take all our finite and perverted ideas...and project them upon the divine...in religion...we find just enough truth to confuse people...point...if god is not love...and if love is not a healthy healing dynamic that leads into all truth...then god should be ignored...screw his existence or lack there of...do not bother...time is too important...any concept of god you can completely comprehend...must be wrong...you cannot wrap your mind around eternity...religion offers answers that benefit those in charge...god is love...love lets go and makes beautiful...live love .

Friday, May 20, 2011

May 20

mapping the human heart part 8 - the runner

this fellow i see around town...he is always running...but there was something wrong...different...then one day...it occurred to me...he was not running to anything...in fact...he was running away from something...himself...his sexuality , to be specific...he still keeps on running...it must be frustrating...because i do not think he can accomplish his goal...that is...if he is aware of it .

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

the beauty of forgiveness

i have this idea for a movie...it is about this man who rapes this woman...and through a variety of circumstances...comes to the place where he asks for and receives her forgiveness...from this point...he demands to be her best friend...she respectfully declines...which sets him off in a tirade of psychotic episodes...killing her prize winning poodles...as well as her best friend...eventually...he gets caught by the police...and locked up in prison...his only phone call...the lady he raped...to ask for her forgiveness .

mapping the human heart part 7 - the walk

about 1982...i was with this couple...we were in the forest...looking for this fellow who ran away...they seemed quite concerned...now...this may seem a bit judgmental...but i was later to discover that this couple was about as narcissistic as godzilla was bad tempered...my question is...what in the fuck were we actually doing in the woods that day??? whatever it was...it was not looking for some poor lost soul that they did not even know...what is going on...is hardly ever what it seems .

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 17

mapping the human heart part 6 - delusions

there is this business close to where i live...their slogan is..."flexible work hours"...now , what they mean by that is...they will change your schedule around as they find convenient for them with not even a thought for you...question...how twisted do you have to be before you get to the point you are bragging about screwing good honest folk around??? there is a long and drawn out dark process of getting to this place...mark my words...sex , money and power , baby...and in a very twisted way...their little slogan...reveals more than they want...live luv.

Monday, May 16, 2011

mapping the human heart part 5 - overcompensation

want to find out who someone is??? find out what they get violent about...you see...violence is simply the way we cover up our identity...all those homophobic people that scream that it is an "abomination" to god...well , guess what is going through their heads on some level or another...(why do you think they always have the radio up so loud???) point...truth needs no defense...truth is always at peace with itself...live luv .

Sunday, May 15, 2011

mapping the human heart part 4 - sounds

so you hear the sound of a man "sweet talking" this woman...beautiful...then there is the sound of an ambulance...a hideous sound...but how about this...maybe the man is just using the woman...as for the ambulance...whatever it is up to...the bottom line is that someone is trying to do some good...point...what makes us comfortable is not always the right thing...live luv .

Saturday, May 14, 2011

mapping the human heart part 3 - money

if you follow my videos and my writing...there is a good chance that you think i am full of shit...the truth of the matter is , however , when i began my journey into "ministry"...i had various offers to make potentially more money than "heinz has pickles"...all i had to do was lie...ironic , is it not...fact of the matter is , however , if i had followed the direction of the institution...i would never have experienced the things that i have experienced...sometimes in life there is a choice...money or truth...and if you choose truth...people will hate you for it...but guess what??? those people never loved you anyway...live luv .

Friday, May 13, 2011

mapping the human heart part 2 - money

i know these people who travel the world...thing is...they are very well off and , as a result , have been able to afford to , essentially , remain in north america where ever they go...that is to say...their money has created for them a bubble of sort so they do not have to embrace and understand the various cultures of the world...in essence...their money is making their lives as flat as a board...protecting them from discovering the true beauty of life .

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

the gospel of reason - may 7 2011

fornication is sin??? why???
defining yourself by point of view of another
reasons :

1-do not have to think
2-do not have to take control
3-do not have to disagree with social group
4-do not have to deal with real sexuality
5-do not have to deal with homosexuality

reasons why (the apostle) paul may have been against fornication :

1-no birth control
2-referring to sexual relationships outside of love
3-personal sexual issues
4-at the time...could have led to execution

even if paul was right...got to make up your own mind


1-fork in the road
2-choice to be made
3-make it through-prayer
5-learn for future decisions

live luv

mapping the human heart part 1 - money

a rich man can be completely lost in life and nobody will notice...this , of course, makes it very difficult to become un-lost...conversely...a poor man will probably be seen as one with no direction nor real spirituality...that is to say...the real religion in north america is money...and do not let anybody convince you otherwise .

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May 10

phone sex suggestions

1-get a rubber
2-make sure the rubber is taken out of the package
3-throw the package away...not the rubber
4-then make the phone call
5-make sure you dial the right number
6-ask for them by name...for example..."is billy there?"
7-if they say "yes...this is billy"...you are in business
8-tell billy of your intentions...for example..."hey , billy...let's have phone sex"
9-just in case...ask billy if he is in a shopping mall or something like that...point being....he could get himself in a heap of trouble if he begins to do this in a public place
10-make sure you are not in a public place as well

Monday, May 9, 2011

currents - september 25 2010

we are like waves...love is a current...we choose to fight or to line up with the direction love has for our lives...we will find health or sickness...it depends upon our decision...life is to lead us back to ourselves...and back to god...live luv .

dynamics :

1-we live
2-we desire what is not ours
3-we pursue
4-we get or do not get...all the same...left with the same spiritual result...regardless of the aesthetic
5-we are unfulfilled
6-we justify..."next time it will work"
7-our spirits crumble...replaced with finite desires

better dynamics :

1-we live
2-we desire love
3-we allow love to lead us
4-we get or do not get...all the same...we are fulfilled
5-the dance continues
6-we learn humility
7-our spirits flourish

live love

wanna do some reading???

read the story of a vet...and her love for the wonderful world of...cats...this book is..."better than cats"...you know , the musical...with all those cats...songs...dancing...AND MORE CATS!!! on amazon.com...by kathy chisholm . 

your sexual experience part 3

entering wholeness

there are three dynamics that will allow you to grow into the lover and the LOVER you should be...1-passion for real life...watch ROCKY...there are no differences between fighting and developing any other aspect of your personhood...it comes down to desire...2-humility...this is what allows you to see and discover your true self...3-love...it will cleans and focus the human heart...love sees all things and love leads you into light...live luv.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

May 5

your sexual experience part 2

the fact of the matter

the fact of the matter is that you are your sexuality...there is no difference between how you behave at work and how you behave with your lover...that is to say...as we mature as a human...we will mature in every other aspect of life...and take notice of this...our sexual profile will change as well...growth is in every aspect of our lives...so get ready to be born again...body...mind...spirit...and sexuality .    

Saturday, May 7, 2011

your sexual experience part 1- potential enemies :

being a slut...sex is what you want it to be...if you simply want it to be a bodily function...your choice and nobody should judge you for that...the mystery will disappear however...and with it...the arousal...2-fear...fear will dismantle communication...hence...your unique sexual profile will be not embraced...3-pride...humility in making love is what turns a ritual into something beautiful...(rituals are a substitute for beauty...everything looks good...but nothing is of the heart)...4-religion...same as pride...it is the mortal enemy of the naked heart...5-selfishness...two people embracing the art of giving each other pleasure...brings sex to another level...and brings life to another level as well...live luv .

Friday, May 6, 2011

the savages sleep peacefully feb .12 2011

the spiritual human disintegrates into religion...self righteousness replaces love...vulnerability is sacrificed to the god of self righteousness...and the savages sleep peacefully...by that i mean...in most cases...the darker the human...the more proper the image that is projected upon the rest of us...time to turn around...awake...fight the good fight...and become the one you are created to be...fragile??? hurt??? socially inept??? god knows who you are...and god wants you to embrace it...for better or worse...love will make you real...live luv

people will be people

chucky gets a hand job

summer camp...the year...1987...it is chapel time...a kid in my cabin...charles...is sitting at the front with some young lady...a blanket wrapped around them...now , charles and i had a good relationship...he would tell me just about anything...and so he did...(for better or worse)...you see...apparently...essentially...during church...charles got jerked-off by this girl...i mean...what are you supposed to say to a boy under such circumstances??? so i said...not a whole lot...i would save it for later...much later...until 2007...scott and myself recorded over 40 albums in an 18 month period...one of which included the "hit single"..."chucky got a hand job in the chapel".  

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

spiritual math...(layers of religion march 12 2011)

the more perverse the individual...the more they will run in the opposite direction...to be specific...they will appear to be "polished"...purified...dynamics :

1-pride enters the situation...only humility allows for the light of love
2-darkness perpetuates ones personhood...(no...i did not invent the word personhood)
3-the social individual is aware that they are fucked if their behavior matches their inner-state of being
4-an overcompensation takes place...a social identity is developed to secure a successful place in the universe
5-behavior becomes a series of rituals...this dynamic is celebrated and institutionalized in the form of organized religion

the end result of all of this is always empty and hollow relationships...abuse is not inevitable...but very difficult to avoid...love has to be embraced...the direction has to be uprooted...with all the pain that being uprooted has by definition...intimacy is the only way to go...which , of course...is the mortal enemy of the generic life...POINT...it takes a real fucking "gunslinger" to be real in this unreal universe...but i promise...it will be worth it!!!

processing information april 30 2011

sometimes the truth cannot be handled...sometimes people believe lies...simply to protect themselves

dynamics :
1-someone is fucked up...not hard to imagine
2-layers upon layers of protecting form over years
3-to the point their conscious is unaware...though this only adds to the neurotic behavior
4-conduct life is a way to avoid truth...gravitate to religion to identify with ritual behavior instead of organic , for example
5-life is not real...therefore...empty

find your way back home
an inner peace instead of a violence for protection

1-the wounded soul
2-enters :
             -turning around
             -the power of love
3-awareness grows slowly
5-a life full of completeness and joy

love works slowly and completely

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

taking or being given to - april 9 2011

we attempt to manipulate our circumstances to get what we want
in essence...witchcraft
dynamics :

1-we see
2-we desire
3-we manipulate
4-we utilize various techniques to hide this
5-we get...(sometimes)
6-we are unsatisfied
7-we justify
8-we take more
9-self is slowly being lost...replaced with

obviously...not healthy
life should be a process of losing desire

1-we see
2-we desire
3-we let go
4-we see what love brings to us
5-we are satisfied

only love is real...therefore...only what love gives us is real
live love

Monday, May 2, 2011

May 2

real friendship

whitehorse pages part 6

i remember working at camp throughout the late 70's and into the 80,s...every night would be concluded with the song..."friend i will remember you / think of you / pray for you / and when another day is through / i will still be friends with you"...anyway...i do not have a clue where any of those people are today...now , i am not necessarily judging this one way or another...(my judgment is reserved for another page)...but it must mean something..."a friend loves at all times...and a brother is born for times of trouble"...that is to say...specifically...in order to understand friendship...we must first understand that there are indeed counterfeits...people become "friends"...for recreational reasons...to form alliances...to facilitate social structures...to maintain an image...and finally...people become friends because they really love each other...yes...love...i do not now and will not have a friend that i do not love...( and by that...i mean put in front of myself in terms of how i interact with the universe)...i do not have time to waste... life is too short...now , i know this is a fast food society...and everything is disposable...and intimacy in friendship is considered...anti-social...but this is simply because our society is emotionally mangled beyond belief...we need friends to fulfill our lives...to grow and become with...and this is not to say we do not need those other relationships too...but my ping-pong buddy is my ping-pong buddy...and i try not to confuse the roles that everyone plays in my life...real friendship is just that...real...and real scares the shit out of people...but what do you have to lose??? in a few short years we will all be dead and forgotten anyway...live your life as fully as you possibly can...and this is simply impossible to do without fully functional friendship...live love .