Monday, April 29, 2013

we are here...

WE ARE HERE TO CONNECT WITH EACH OTHER...THAT IS IT...NOT A WHOLE LOT MORE...and if you want to follow all the crap relative to your religious's non of my fucking business...but remember this...religion has not and never will be involved in perpetuating the art of connecting two human being together...not a chance...use your imagination as much as you desire...putting wedges in between two living not bringing them into a state of peace , love and unity .   

Sunday, April 28, 2013

my good friend paul mccartney

i saw this lady on the tele recently...and she was talking about how much she hates name droppers...fucking right!!! it had to be said !!! the slimy bastards !!! i mean ,  i was visiting my great friend paul mccartney the other day and he mentioned the exact same just want to wash your hands after having a conversation with one...they are just that fucking slimy...anyway...i am off to have a couple drinks with canadian folk legend gordon lightfoot go...luv stu    


trout chase things that shine...people do as well...what stimulates us is what we want...what gives us immediate gratification is what we want...yet there is a better way...look at nothing but love...look at nothing but truth...let it guide you...(they are the same thing)...god only knows what the path will look is your path...and there is only one you are meant to be love...and see what happens .

Friday, April 26, 2013

pregnant women

every time i see a pregnant woman...i don't see  a pregnant woman...nearly as much as i see an individual that... in the recent past...had some goop shoved up a very intimate part of her anatomy .

Thursday, April 25, 2013

below the surface march 13 2012

what things appear to  be and what they are is seldom the same thing :

1-see something that makes us feel uncomfortable
2-want to control it
3-want it to make us feel good and or powerful
4-want to put as little effort into understanding it as possible
5-make a conclusion
6-institutionalize it
7-push it on others

it is simply easier to praise sex in marriage and judge sex outside of marriage...than it is to dive into the realm of abstract thought and thinking about things...yet the truly loving individual has to cast aside the idea of judging the appearance and thus begin the journey of entering the heart and soul of himself and of those around him .

(you will know you are seeing what is there and not simply making a judgement...when your attitude is not only founded in love...but able to restrain from imposing itself upon those around you ).

tomb stone

i want it to say on my tomb stone..." he never gave up on people...right until the very day the fuckers killed him". 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

the cathlic church and anal sex

this japanese couple was having anal sex as godzilla ransacked their town and crushed it into little bits...of course , the catholic church jumped upon this right away and spent ten million dollars turning the whole thing into an anti-anal sex know...complete with a close up of people having anal sex right before godzilla crushes them into that's what i call religion !!!

Monday, April 22, 2013

investment plan

invest your heart...soul...mind...everything into...something...anything...and see how quickly everyone thinks you are out of you fucking mind...BUT DO NOT DESPAIR...go to the opposite extreme...and don't invest a fucking thing...just use...take...until the cows come home...and be not afraid...nobody will even notice .    

an issue of faith

i believe in the afterlife
i've actuall seen it
angels...seen 'em
in the most wonderful of manifestations 
evil spirits
by the truck loads
i've even seen jesus himself

an issue of faith
well , if you don't have one
you will have another
as for mine...
if the good lord put me
on a shit hole like earth once
then why would he not play
a stunt like that again ???

just a thought

Saturday, April 20, 2013

psalm of psalms

sex is as clean or as dirty as the ones doing it

dynamics :

1-lead a fucked up life
2-find a partner
3-sex becomes : self gratification / deceptive / getting back at someone / ritualistic / an overcompensation / etc.
5-violently defend  

"blessed are the pure at heart...they will see god"
sex will be as beautiful as you are

dynamics :

1-you learn love
2-you want to give it : honest / healing / beautiful / etc.
3-"the love you take is equal to the love you make"

Friday, April 19, 2013

letting your freak flag fly...march 30 2013

HUMANITY...we look around ...see who is getting the sex , money and power...decide that this is indeed the way to follow...FAIL our position...BLAME...continue onward and hide our tracks .


HUMILITY...we look around...see who gets all the sex , money and power...become aware that THIS MAY  GET YOU NOWHERE...sacrifice self as opposed to transparent...continue love .

the more transparent , the easier it is to find "kindred spirits" .

Thursday, April 18, 2013

my summer employee

my summer employee...she is only working for me ten weeks but she wants one week off with response...what the is i tell her if she will make one five minute phone call then she can have the other 39 hours and 55 minutes to do with as she pleases...NEXT WEEK...she is back home...had a great time visiting her i ask her if she made the phone call...her reply...she was too busy . 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

bullshit without motivation

so this fellow comes over to my place and says..."let's go get something to eat ; i haven't had a bite all day" he takes me to this pizza place...we walk through the door...the pizza guy looks straight at him and says..."what are you dong here ???  you were just here an hour ago" . 

Monday, April 15, 2013

two thirteen year old boys...(true story)

two thirteen year old boys says that his parents aren't married...the other asks , and i quote..."then how did they have you???"...the first one replies..."you don't have to be married to have kids"...the other says...and i quote again..."oh , yea...i forgot ".

Sunday, April 14, 2013

eight years of free advertising

one goose says to the other..."i'll make a deal with will give me eight free years of advertising in your exchange...i won't let you use my crapper" .

Friday, April 12, 2013

willard...april 6 2013

how does one get to be king of the underworld ??? easy...we create a world around us to reflect our own dark and disturbed is the very nature of pain that is not tempered with love , humility and truth to not only grow and manifest into something dark and disturbing...but to add further dynamics to the pot as well .

without light...there is only darkness...and the very nature of to take more and more as time goes by...THAT IS TO SAY...people not only repeat the sins of their parents...but they add to them on almost a daily basis as well .


Thursday, April 11, 2013

the goose and the boxer...january 14 2009

one goose says to the other..."i'm writing a book about a boxer with no arms or he overcame adversity to become the champion of the world".

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

hearing from god


1-hear from god
2-desire something else
3-place it in front
4-vision obscured..."spiritual blindness"
5-justify...begin to choose people who walk in agreement with your decision 
6-violently defend...always the result of leaving THE PATH
7-non-organic community...people involved with each other reasons other than true relationship 


it is our desires...or gods
human nature is to pretend that they are one in the same 
"what is spirit is spirit...what is flesh is flesh"
spirituality is a current
spirituality is love...that takes us on a particular path
live luv

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

ways to know your marriage is shit

1-she uses your grandmothers head for a bowling ball...2-your vibrator is hooked up to the car battery...3-dr. phil eggs your house...4-you get shot between the eyes...5-she gives you a picture of her screwing the milkman for your birthday...6-you find a book under the bed entitled..."how to remove your husbands nuts"...7-your poodle has been stuffed and mounted...8-he stays at work and plays video games on a broken video machine...9-she bought you a carton of cigarettes for your lung infection...10-he keeps on saying that he loves you...completely unprovoked .

Monday, April 8, 2013

election in hell

religion part 2

let us put it this was...the disciples of jesus...had three wonderful years of being in his presence...then he was...more or ,  after his you honestly believe that they-the disciples-did not take their own agenda into all of the relationships and situations they encountered ??? of course they even says so...paul said that..."only timmy gives a screw about what is really going on here"...(roughly translated)...which excludes everybody but these two from being an unequivocal truth seeker ...then he goes on to say that..."i do and say the things i ought not"...get my point!!! these people are not to be taken literally...and if you will only add to the confusion of the teaching of christ that they themselves added to all those years  ago .

Sunday, April 7, 2013

this fellow i know...

this fellow i know went to this fundamentalist church where all the people...more or less...claimed to be...pure...righteous...and holy as shit...SO HE DID THIS EXPERIMENT...see if he could screw just about every girl in the church...(you know...with the obvious exceptions)...anyway...depending on your perspective...his experiment was a complete success...point being...self righteousness is just a way of hiding what is really going on...EVERY TIME .

Saturday, April 6, 2013

what is sex...

it is not so much what sex is...but what sex is not...that being...control...manipulation...power...using another...deceit...and the like...eliminate all of this from your sexual you "married" or otherwise...and what is left...if there is anything...will be just fine .

Friday, April 5, 2013


this young fellow...eating a large order of chips in the elevator...he begins to choke as the machine stops...within a minute he is dead...the legal system deems that it is not the owner of the elevators fault...on grounds that nobody should ever be expected to have the capacity of abstract though...from that day forward...when the moon is just can still hear the sound of some young dude choking on his large order of fries...oh , yes...with extra gravy .    

Thursday, April 4, 2013

religion part 1

how do i explain religion??? it's like this...someone sees something beautiful...(god)...and goes away and interprets this encounter through the dynamics found within their own particular heart and that game you play at camp...where someone whispers a paragraph to the next person...and it is repeated around a circle...and when the last person says what they has very little in common with what was originally said...POINT...who god is and who people say he is...are worlds away . 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


i will give you a little hint concerning life...the less control one has over ones own thoughts and such...the more inclined they are to overcompensate and take control over another...roughly translated...fundamentalist religion...of any perpetuated by people living in complete chaos...and could possibly do anything at any time...OR...IN OTHER WORDS...IT IS THE FALLEN NATURE OF MAN TO COME ACROSS IN A WAY THAT IS THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE OF WHO WE ARE INSIDE . 

Monday, April 1, 2013

slug sermon on the mount...jan. 15 2009

one slug proclaims in front of his followers..."blessed are those who leave a trail of shit  behind them everywhere they go!!!"