Friday, May 31, 2013

moses and farrow

so moses said to farrow..." three things...first...i can see your cock under your skirt...second...your wife is a bad screw...and third...please let us out of this stupid , god-forsaken place ".  

confusion and resolution

the year was 1990...i had just finished feeling up my worship leaders tits...(i am a minister)...and a friend of mine and myself  were just about to go for a nice long drive...but pick up a large mug of java...YEA...i am not sure how it happened...but there were two prostitutes in the coffee shop...and somehow we made them a fairly reasonable deal...we would drive them home...if they would enlightened us with their knowledge regarding the female species.

POINT BEING...this rather fruitful and enlightening interaction was all a result of attempting to deal with a particular conflict in my life...and turning it into resolution...THAT IS TO SAY...look at every experience as a passageway to greater health and understanding...and if you get to fuck around with a wonderful set of tits while doing so...all the better !!!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

how to live forever part 2

the logical conclusion

to experience a moment of love , i feel , is basically to be trapped in a dimension that transcends life , the universe...and goes like this : because love is eternal...every second we spend within its context  is eternal...CONVERSELY...being a "self seeker"...puts one in a place where one is not only not experiencing eternity...(or , essentially , having a glimpse of forever )...but also in a time scale that probably  , ultimately , does not exist...that is to say...our quest to fulfill a self seeking life...adds up , more or be more are not even here .  

bring all into balance

we seem to have no issue controlling or being controlled...either one will do...both are  substitutes for love...IF LOVE IS EVER TO BREAK ON THROUGH...we will have to let go of these addictions...maybe once the ocean is filled with water...we will no longer have to pretend we know what it is like to be a relatively fair swimmer...we will just be !!!   

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

the house belonged to a satanic cult...

this lady took a picture of this other lady being baptized in a swimming pool...thing she was being submerged...the pool began to rumble and all sorts of fucked up things began to happen...but here is the real shit : when the picture was could clearly see the outline of demonic entities in the water...looking hazy and confused-like...yes...and i saw this picture myself .       

Sunday, May 26, 2013

spirituality part 2

the dynamic of real love

1-our nature is like that of a young child...we like to take...2-from here...there must develop an awareness of this situation...that is to say...being a "taker"...must be understood within ourselves on every level...3-next...we must become aware of and embrace a far greater aspect of our must begin to overcome and overtake our entire personhood... 4-this is done with gentleness... humility...passion...and community to help us at each must remain to new ideas and change and the possibility of discovering only god knows what...IN OTHER WORDS...we are now on the path to live luv .


Saturday, May 25, 2013

network may 18 2013

the universe goes on its own way...we , however , are supposed to be propelled in another direction...we refer to this direction as LOVE...unfortunately , this does not frequently we pursue another option...we refer to this as NETWORKING...and how do we network ??? WE HUNT , WE EVALUATE , WE TEST , WE PLUNGE...utilizing all of our skills to find what we desire .

in caveman days , it was the boy with the biggest club that was it is the biggest pocket book...all the same , actually...meanwhile...MEANWHILE...LOVE IS A CURRENT THAT DOES NOT OFFER US THE SECURITY OF BEING IN CONTROL OF OUR OWN DESTINATION...IT SIMPLY WILL , IN ITS OWN WAY AND TIME...TAKE US TO WHERE WE ARE SUPPOSED TO GO...LIVE LUV.   

Thursday, May 23, 2013

one goose says to the other...

one goose says to the other..." i'll have you a race to see who can suck me off first ".

spirituality part 1

being human part 4

the concept of revival of a religious nature is a non existent thing...the fact of the matter is that people gravitate to things that either stimulate or things that will control...(which , of course , simulates past parental relationships )...there has never been a large group of people that have been drawn to the art of love...nor will there ever be...LOVE is a rare is the imitations that run wild throughout the known"superiority"...manipulation...fear...all of these and more have , at one time or another , pretended to be love...they are not...what is love??? reality...everything else...will some day be love .

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

how to make your marriage work

it's a tough go , baby

1-develop all your mates stupid habits...that will not have to feel that you married a dud...and they will not resent you for being superior .

2-pretend they are an alter with all their shit around it...and leave a 100 $ bill by their picture every day... what ever you not forget the candles .

3-hire a beggar whip-diddle to have sex with them...beggar whip-diddles never get you do not have to worry about your mate getting embarrassed...and taking you to court for all you are worth .

4-buy a pet rat...and a bull terrier...throw the rat at the bull terrier and let the party begin...make sure the lens cap is off...and do not forget the butter pop corn .

5-communication is a huge part of every successful relationship...roughly translated...learn how to be a good liar .

6-do not laugh if their mother passes away...and if you do...just point up into the sky and say..."look , a per-historic bird"...diversion works every time .

7-throw yourself into a pool of sharks...people love being heroes...but if it seems they are not going to rescue you...yell out..."don't rescue me...the world won't survive without you!!!" that way they will not feel embarrassed .

8-adopt a teenage boy...nothing brings people together like a common enemy .

9-let them win at ping-pong...but make sure they do not win so badly that they see you as no competition...this could lead to divorce...or poisoned bacon and eggs .

10-watch "the love guru"...amen

how to live in the moment


there is always hope...there is a way out...1-love is introduced...(or possibly reintroduced)...2-things are seen for what they are...3-the path one is on and the decisions made upon that path...begin to lead one back into health...4-there is a gradual marriage between who the person supposed to be and who the person is...5-through hard work...humility...and suffering...we become luv .

Monday, May 20, 2013

an ode to a sasquatch movie

here is the shit...your fucking sasquatch ate a fucking cocker spaniel...and not just an ordinary spaniel either...but an american cocker...the marcedes  of spanials...LOOK...i can understand him eating people...if i were hungry enough , i would do the same...BUT SPANIELS ??? what kind of fucking monster are you anyway...YOU NEED A NEW DIRECTOR !!! HAVE A NICE DAY !!!

if everyone is come it seems like everyone is wrong ???

i was looking forward to the season premier of "south park" all week usual...i forgot about 10 pm. exactly...i get out of the tub to get another beer and put on some more music...two feet from the c.d.collection...the t.v. turns on all by itself right to the opening credits...strange , right ??? and get this one...i am staring at this picture on my wall...i say to myself..."i hate that fucking picture"...immediately it falls down and breaks...praise the lord!!! it is a strange universe in which we live...and i know when i tell stories like these...people immediately make up their mind in regards to what really went down...but what people do not usually consider is...WHAT IF YOU ARE WRONG ???

my cat...

my cat wants me to kiss turtles on the lips .

my cat thinks i'm a failure .

my cat thinks i'm a failure .

how to keep life healthy part 1

being human part 6

my favorite poem is that of the story of "adam and eve"...many points...not the least of which is...people like to screw things up...a friend of mine once said..."the same mouth that bites the hand that feeds it...licks the boot that kicks it"...that is to say...people seem to gravitate to their past hurt...what is familiar...makes one comfortable...comfort is a rotten not worship it...especially if the fruit of your life falling apart...if it is...TRY SOMETHING ELSE...TRY ANYTHING ELSE...LOVE LEADS YOU INTO ALL TRUTH .

Sunday, May 19, 2013

the church of your heart...

the best thing about protects you from what is really going on...the worst thing about protects you from what is really going on...they don't make you sit in the back of church anymore...unless you include the church of your heart .


Saturday, May 18, 2013

adam talking to eve...

look , we're not in shit because of the's the oral sex...god is just sublimating .

Friday, May 17, 2013

we are being held together by all kinds of stuff...not the least of which is our unhealthy relationships...christ alone knows what would happen if we were to drop our neurotic shit -fests without warning to ourselves .

am i condoning unhealthy relationships ??? good heavens no...but point is simple : it is better to pull over to the side of the road slowly...than to yank it into reverse at 70 miles per hour...get the drift ???

Thursday, May 16, 2013

getting a grip...

understanding fear part 2

the resolution

it is love that "conquers fear" :1- there is a situation of one sort or another...2-love is the response...(opposed to fear)...3-light is the result of love...truth is seen and a better understanding of all is the result...4-actions are taken...all of which embrace the hearts and minds of everyone involved...the situation is not seen as an accident but , instead , a metaphor for something in the heart that has to be understood and dealt with...5-the journey continues...but in an organic fashion...that is to say...things are constantly being re-evaluated...violence and self righteousness do not defend the path...but the path is met with humility and and all that accompanies it is the teacher .

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

understanding fear part 1

the situation

there is nothing closer to the opposite of love than fear...that is to say...while love leads you back to yourself...making you into the person you were created to be...fear takes you into the direction of slowly replacing yourself with an alternate human being...dynamics : 1-there is a situation...(maybe you are confronted with an aspect of yourself you are not comfortable with)...2-there is a fearful lets go and believes that god will take everything into a healthy way or another...fear controls ones destiny without consideration of a larger truth...3-you act upon the response ...4-you justify...there is always a dynamic of violence at this deceit is always accompanied with a violent overcompensation...5-you continue down the wrong road...geographically and must must dictate everything...dynamics :

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

a space craft decends upon our planet...

one alien says to the other..."earth...the only planet in the universe where girls masturbate more than boys ".

Sunday, May 12, 2013

the demon of healing may 11 2013

we assume that our "healing prayers" will take things-circumstances and such- to the destination of our choice...NOT NECESSARILY THE CASE...where we desire things to go and where they should go...more often that not...have nothing in common...THERE IS A FAR BETTER PATH...the path of letting go...submitting to GOD...and simply watch where the universe takes everything...LOVE NEVER DEMANDS ITS OWN WAY...and , oh , yes...the less we desire and want...the more that path will become obvious to our spirits and souls and embraced with peace and joy .

Saturday, May 11, 2013

those power mongering buckaroos

as far as i am aware...nobody...nowhere...has offered a course for regards to their power mongering tendencies...that is to of the darkest and gravest issues for those in not looked upon with real concern by the citizens of this or any other let me ask you a you think the issue is being discarded because our leaders are just too far above such behavior??? or because the general population simply does not have the capacity for abstract thought???

Friday, May 10, 2013

test your beliefs

whitehorse pages part 8

it is good to be open minded in regards to accepting the beliefs of is important to be aware that what people believe is not a joke...that is to say...they believe what they believe for a reason...and will , in fact , act upon that belief system...for example...if someone believes that sex is dirty...there will be anger...judgment...and various manifestations of murder in defending their sexual agenda...this in inevitable...they are sexual beings...and poor beliefs will always go to a poor place...MY careful what you believe...question all of your beliefs...(especially those learned as a child...they are desperately ingrained...and demand to control your destiny)...superimpose love upon all your beliefs...if they are not parallel with love...begin the process of shedding need intimate relationships to test your can hide behind generic or casual relationships...bullshit is a very affective tool in such situations...but bullshit cannot withstand the test of intimacy...IN THE FINAL is humble and focused enough to let it shine in all you say and love.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

your best interest march 10 2012

did you ever wonder why...on one individual is always defending and arguing for what best suits them...and on the other hand...they think they are always right...i refer to this as the..."god on a stick dynamic"...this is opposed to shit on a stick...which is what really is going on...fact of the matter one extent or another most people believe they are god...and then proceed to act "accordingly"...the situation is obvious...we are a species in rebellion against the force that governs the universe...LOVE...and once love has been successfully disguarded...we can fill in the void with any fucking thing we so desire...which is usually a big fat dose of our greed and selfishness...yet love is still there...hovering somewhere in a far away universe...and it is our track it down and make it our own...that is to say...LIVE LOVE .

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

parents taking an active interest...

one goose says to his friend..."i chopped up my kid and i'm gonna mail a piece of him to every country in the know...taking an active interest and all that shit". 

Monday, May 6, 2013

the strong

those who are strong...will live inside their strength...never to discover true spiritual direction and fulfillment that illuminates and empowers our weaknesses...and this is what is meant by..."blessed are the weak in spirit , for theirs is the kingdom of god "...that is to say...god is ignored whenever can get away with ignoring him .

judgement day

when we run away from something...we often run right into that very thing 

obstacles  between us and reality :


reality may escape you if you have something people desire
god may strip us...just so the truth is revealed
embrace judgment day

1-walk in love...truth
2-embrace the moment...and what it has to teach us
4-get close to god and each other...truth is found in intimacy
5-peel back layer upon layer

"god chastises those he loves"

Sunday, May 5, 2013

pet alligator

This goose is walking his pet alligator...he says to his buddy...I got Rover here involved in this program where blind kids can pet him . (They both have a laugh ). 

i love you

magic do you make people disappear??? have your life fall apart !!!

formula for leaving :

1-they are innocent
2-you did something wrong
6-feel guilt on some lever or take that out on you as well
7-justify...find allies

nobody simply says : "you don't have anything i want anymore"...then leaves

essence  of most relationships :

1-see something they want
3-convince self it is real
5-take...there are emotional cannibals as well as the other more celebrated type 

yet there is true love
"love never fails"
most love is not love
religion attracts people by appealing to their lower nature
if love ends...did it ever begin???
1 cor. 13

Friday, May 3, 2013

thousands of miles away

a friend of mine is drowning...about 50  yards or so from the beach...splashing his arms....his family thinks he is waving to them...he is not...but here is the fucked up part...thousands of miles away...his mother-in-law has a vision of him drowning...50 yards or so from the beach...she begins to pray...(same time exactly)...and he somehow miraculously makes it back to shore . 


Thursday, May 2, 2013

the memorial service

a memorial service for my old friend and boss...someone i not only loved but respected...great service...many wonderful people there...and guess what ??? he was one of clear as day...front row LEFT hand side...we didn't always connect as well as i wanted during life...WE SURE ARE CONNECTING luv !!!  


the mark of being a christian...

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

i have never played donky kong

almost every fucking thing you an without love...donky is not really there , baby...but here is the weird shit...if you somehow utilize donky kong to help facilitate a love relationship...then , in a very real and authentic appears out of the realm of nothingness and begins to forge some sort of presence upon a universe which is substantially more real than oursthat is to say...until love saturates the essence of is not really there .