Sunday, September 29, 2013


you are alive...when all that  is around no longer a series of metaphors for things you never had . 

mind fucked

if you really want to get mind fucked...confuse being tolerated with being loved .

Saturday, September 28, 2013

the river

we are all going where we are going...we use our heads and minds to attempt to justify it...pretend it was our idea even...BUT...IN THE FINAL ANALYSIS...the river...the tide...the wind...whatever you choose to refer to it as...carries us we continue to fidget with various objects we find lying on the ground . 

Friday, September 27, 2013

way of the world...

the way of the to control...manipulate...and deceive...THING IS...while all this shit is going down...we are presented with the idea that not a fucking thing is happening...that all is reasonable and such....POINT BEING...whatever you see...dig a couple of feet...and you will quite possibly find the exact opposite twirling around like worms in the head of a decomposing corpse .


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

7 billion religions...september 14 2013

if you were to get every human on the planet drunk enough...once they got on the topic of would discover that everyone has their own little religion...formed to compensate for how fucked up they are...yet seldom dealing with the problem...BOTTOM  LINE IS...PEOPLE WILL BELIEVE WHATEVER MAKES THEM COMFORTABLE...AND THEN PROCEED TO DEFEND IT OUT OF CONVENIENCE .

but here is the weird they subscribe to their own little shit fest...they will also continue to believe that the religion of their authorities  is pretty cracker-jack at the same time...LAZINESS ; FEAR ; APATHY ; SELF DOUBT ; AND PARENTAL DISDAIN all help to facilitate this  dynamic .


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

...never screw an emu .

nobody can fuck you over like the fucked over...and while you are at it...never screw an emu .

the haunting...september 7 2013

i have seen many a ghost...have had about 300 violent encounters with evil spirits...but the real shit is what is within you...PRIDE FUCKS US we shove our very selves down and away so we don't have to deal with it...end result...we become church...that is to say...instead of dealing with our shit...we hide it behind a bunch of religiosity...embrace the rules thereof...and continue down the road wearing bullshit like it is a 40 pair of silk underwear...SURELY THERE MUST BE MORE TO LIFE THAN THIS ???  

Monday, September 23, 2013

what is real...

we are real...when we love...until then...our reality of the same as a bullfrog's intelligence...THAT IS TO SAY...most of us...give or take a few steps...are barely here .

Sunday, September 22, 2013

flarms dictionary

integral...someone who feels the need to make up a really swell bullshit story after they do something horrible .

you decide...

so there i am
meditating on what has more fat
muffins or donuts
soon later
i turn on the tele
and there are these two people
bitching at each other
about the exact same thing
coincidence ???
that is one way to explain it
but some people have such coincidences happen
almost every day
question :
do you really believe something
is not separating these people
from the rest of society ??? 

Friday, September 20, 2013

most of the time...

so we all lose love...sometimes by god's design...sometimes things simply go out of thing for sure however...most of the time...most will never know the difference . 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


people's ideas are not what is fucking up is their religion...that is to say...believing that their dogmas...come directly from the "heart of god"...potentially adds a violence and a passion ...that will allow people to take them where ever in the hell they so desire...ROUGHLY TRANSLATED...there is nothing more perverse than a god made in our image . 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


we are not all equal..."being equal" is a phrase used by the same people who never think an unkind thought toward another...(if people don't piss you probably means you just don't give a fuck)...IF BY " BEING EQUAL"...YOU MEAN WE SHOULD NOT TREAT EACH OTHER LIKE SHIT...YOU HAVE A POINT...but then there is the heart of the matter...that being...the broken and the abused should be given more consideration than those who claim they "see the way"...YES , MERCY SHOULD ALWAYS BE THERE...BUT SOME , BY THEIR VERY NATURE , NEED IT MORE THAN OTHERS .

Monday, September 16, 2013

the river

they say that god is not working among us...that he is silent...left the scene of the crime...YUP...but that is only one perspective...DID YOU EVER LOOK AT IT FROM THIS DIRECTION ??? THERE IS ONLY TWO OR THREE 1000...give or take...THINGS ON THIS PLANET THAT HE ACTUALLY IS COMPLETELY ATTENTIVE TO...AND EACH ONE OF THE FUCKERS WILL BE TAKEN CARE OF FULLY AND COMPLETELY...nothing gets by Yahweh....but unless the log floats down the will not be taken within its grasp .

Saturday, September 14, 2013


if everyone cannot fit within the inner-circle of your community...then your community is too large .

Friday, September 13, 2013


what are rituals ??? attempting to form a series of connections...using methods that are anti-connection...FOR EXAMPLE...forcing people to bow and say useless shit at the same time...will in no way strengthen their relationship with each other...POINT BEING...IF OUR PURPOSE DOWN HERE IS TO CONNECT...THEN RELIGION IS DOING NOTHING BUT DESTROYING THIS POSSIBILITY ...and how could this be fruitful ???    

have a nice day !!!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

whitehorse #

what we invest in is what is important to us :

why we invest :

most spend their lives investing in crap that isn't real...god is light...away from that light you will chase can live more in one day...than most live in 1000 years...just make sure it is real .  

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

why religion works...

since the dawn of man...people have been controlling other is their substitute for love...there way of feeling worth while...ENTERS hell of a mother fucking justification for control...and don't the kids love it...SURE THERE IS A GOD...but his involvement in organized sort of like your foots involvement in the ebb and flow of the atlantic ocean .

rubbing nipples...

one goose says to the other..."when you go to have a you rub your nipples clockwise or counter clockwise ??? " .

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

dr. goose...what is your favorite movie ???

dr. goose , what is your favorite movie ???

he blows heads off of politicians

he cuts the balls off of bank robbers

he decapitates old ladies with control

robbie whitehorse plays tony stackem
in "stackem high"

that's just terrible , dr. goose

no ,'re thinking of
 "stackem high 2"...that movie sucked

Sunday, September 8, 2013

jesus ascends into heaven and god says...

jesus ascends into heaven and god says to him..."great crucifixion , son...lets try it again...and try not to holler so much this time . " .

one goose says to the other...

one goose says to the other..." i' ll tell you why nobody reads my called up everyone in the world and told them not to " .

Friday, September 6, 2013

i will follow...august 31 2013

organic life...people coming together over what is real...opposed to generic gathering...coming together over advertising / programs / show .

love attracts...yet all are the attraction may be to the blemished or broken aspect of love...POINT...true community needs healing...whereas generic its not real...and the healing that it needs...will not be the members pretend that it does not exist .    

hunting wolves...

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

a lesson...

it is only a lesson if you learn...otherwise it is just another event that doesn't make any sense .

what rejected people do...

If someone wants to have sex with you ; and you believe it to be a bad idea ; from that point on , you will quite possibly be considered to be a target by that particular individual . That is to say , you have created an imbalance of power ; and they will smear you around until the "injustice" done to them has been neutralized . And here is the funny bit : the greater their infraction to the governing laws of the universe , the more you will have to pay for it . Wonderful , eh ???