Tuesday, September 28, 2010

glorify or bastardize may 15 2010

the moment someone idolizes you...be afraid...it is human nature to go to one extreme to another...it is the spiritual person who walks in balance...love is balance...the more our love grows...the less we flatter...the less we hold others in contempt...live love...luv stu

strange adventures 5262 sackville st. halifax n.s.

the only great adventure...is a strange one...strange adventures...where the line between fantasy and reality...is a heck of a lot of fun...strange adventures...the adventure part...is for you to decide...strange adventures...where your imagination is as important as the rest of you.....................all of us here at flarmology would like to thank cal and the entire strange adventure staff for their friendship and support over the last...well...close to a decade now...best small business in the galaxy...luv stu

September 27

Thursday, September 23, 2010

falling apart may 22 2010

what happens when things begin to fall apart??? simple...truth is no longer a comfortable form of communication so it is replaced by...1-violence...2-deceit...and...3-justification...the difference between a human life becoming unraveled and an animal dying on the street is mainly the honesty displayed by the latter party...the fact of the matter is us humans think we can fuck up all in front of our greedy little eyes and somehow it will go to a good place...it wont...embrace with humility what you have done...then turn around...luv stu

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

September 22

family may 29 2010

anything healthy and peace loving that ever happened in my family...happened over a bucket of kentucky fried chicken...our hands could not hit...and our mouths were full...(why this did not work with other foods...fuck only knows)...point...it is not the blood line that makes family...it is spirit...your family are those who truly love you...do not limit sex...sexual preference...color...or whatever..."my family...are those who do the will of my father"...luv stu

Monday, September 20, 2010

change will do you good september 18 2010

hard to find out where you are going when you do not know where you are...how does the human condition change...(reach enlightenment)...our relationships...our love...our intuition...our circumstances...all bring us closer to our real idenity...or further away...god is light...let him make you into who you were created to be...luv stu

September 20

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

taking things june 5 2010

there are different ways to be a thief...it is better to have your car stolen than your emotional health...people are not metaphors for you to project your shit upon...they are not there to complete you...give love...your holes will slowly be filled...on the other hand...take...and you will need more...life is a paradox...the aspects of love are anyway..."give and it shall be given onto you"...live love...luv stu

dynamics :
1-need...it comes with the human condition
2-acknowledge need
3-give it over to a higher power
4-let time...circumstance...and humility...reinvent your human profile
5-be organic...open for further growth and development

live love

Saturday, September 11, 2010


money buys privacy...and privacy allows us to hide away and appear to be reasonable human beings...but we are not...result...money allows us to be even more fucked up than would naturally occure...point...be careful what you wish for...luv stu

Friday, September 10, 2010

the borg july 24 2010

the reason why we desire others to be like us is quite simple...we fear that our own identity is somewhat lacking...therefore...others must confirm that the road we have chosen is the right one...religion helps...everyone not only acting the same...but convincing themselves that it is gods will to perform in a particular manner...this lack of identity is always followed by violence...violence is the fruit of believing the wrong thing...truth needs no protection...truth speaks for itself...love is truth...and reveals all things...luv stu

Thursday, September 9, 2010

why april 17 2010

i preached a sermon drunk once...i preached a sermon naked once...the institution of christianity would essentially deem both inappropriate...however...this is simply because they never ask the question..."why?"...i can tell you why the drunk thing was not appropriate...the sermon sucked...that is why...as for the naked thing...let us just say...don't let the bastards turn you into a sheep...use discernment...logic and prayer to lead you into all truth...just don't believe something because some jack-ass scared you into it...luv stu

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

you and me april 24 2010

when people talk about others...often they are referring to themselves...we see in others who we are...the more loving someone is...the more likely we are talking about ourselves when we talk about them...it is like this...if someone is fucking us around...that is what we see...nothing else really to see...the moment that this is replaced with love , however...we are now able and willing to begin to project ourselves upon them...hence...they become responsible for all the crap we have failed to resolve within our personhood...luv stu