Friday, January 30, 2009

Jan 30


  1. Just a few points.

    1. This picture (and all the rest) aren't funny.

    2. Your site is the most pathetic thing I have seen all year.

    3. Your videos...where do I start? Who the hell wants to watch a balding aging man sitting in a bath tub drinking beer and talking what sounds like pure shit. (I spent 5 years in acting class...I can tell when someone is lying to a camera.)

    4. You should go out and do something useful and productive, in ten years time you'll look back at this site, poor, destitute and embarrassed. (when I say look, I don't mean with your own computer, I mean through the window of a webcafe which is two blocks down from your cardboard box.)

    5. I can't wait until your next video comes out, Is my misguided, angry and bitter soul going to be the main conversation point?

    6. You can't draw.

    7. Flarmology sounds like the study of feline menstrual cycles.

    8. You're a cock (yes that was me in the other comment...I'm so me go!!!)

    Anyway, next time you're in the tub you might want to relax and actually wash yourself rather than waste your time talking crap and getting wrinkly for a non existent audience. Anybody who is actually watching doesn't care about what you have to say, they just want some cheap entertainment. God gave up on this planet along time ago and if he was to pay attention again...well...Fax? Seriously? Dude you need a better beer.

    I'm done. I hate pricks like you. Just wanted you to know that. Comment, don't comment, talk to your friends about it or bottle it up inside. Either way I win this will eat at you and eat at you and then when this whole flarmology thing goes down the tubes and it's just you in the bath, on your own, in the dark, thinking about daddy and his nail bat then you'll realize I was right.


  2. hi...this is stu...i cant remember the last time i laughed so always and god bless

  3. "this will eat at you and eat at you"

    I liked this part.

    Look out people, The second coming has happened.

    Jesus is back, and this time, he ain't fucking around!

    "I spent 5 years in acting class...I can tell when someone is lying to a camera"

    I see what you did there. Time to go back to school, I think.

    Thanks for answering the question "WWJD?"

    He'd post comments on BLOGSPOT!

  4. Get a life!!

    To the guy/girl who is bashing!!

    You went to acting class?? for 5 years?? Now, that's funny!!!

    I don't think hes trying to sell you anything on the camera! he just having fun!!

    So chillaxe and go back to acting class! FUCKER!

  5. Just a few points.

    1.I have no sense of humour.

    2. it is early in the year, and I will probably find something that sucks more, but not now.

    3. I want to watch a balding (due to deliberate shaving) aging (find someone who isn't) man talking about pure shit (which is true, when you're that unaware of life.

    4. I am useful because I type things on the Internet.

    5.See 3. I love this stuff, and I add to the popularity count due to my love. Love Love Love. Wait, Oh yeah, and I love it so much I want to gain your attention so that you will (PLEEEASE!!!) talk about me in your next, highly anticipated Video. About me.

    6.You can't draw. My name is Captain Obvious, and I See things. With my eyes. you are reading my words.

    7. Flarmology sounds like the...Hehehe...You did just say that. Menstruating Kittys. Does that happen?

    8. You're a Cock, but I'm a troll.

    Please pay attention to me.
    Your words of Love and Truth stab deep into this cold and bitter heart, stirring the long forgotten ashes of a person to whom through the beauty of life flowed so freely, but came crashing down around me when I didn't get my way. God sucks because he knows better than me, and I don't deserve anything bad.

    I hate you, and you need to know that, for I just can't live in a world where people don't know about the bitterness inside, and if I tell them, perhaps I can bring them out of their delusional hopeful state.

    You see, my daddy beat me as well, and seeing you doing well, able to laugh, and draw crappy cartoons make me wonder why it is fair that Love = healing, while whatever I'm doing makes me feel worse. I mean better. I mean...Fax? with an "E"? SHIT DUDE!

    Oh Snap! I dissed your beer.

  6. Hmm, interesting dilemma I find myself facing.

    If I reply then I become the classic internet 'troll' unable to back down and 'lose the fight'.

    However if I don't reply then there's the possibility that you might think you've won the argument.

    Whoops...I hit the post button, silly me.

    Anyhoo noticed you couldn't think of a witty sharp reply to point number four. Admittedly everything else I said was pure trolling because I was bored but surely you have to agree with me on point four?

    The internet bubble burst long ago and what remains is a faceless hollow shell full of automated help chat services.(that's why I spend most of my time on it...I like the cold) If you really think you can make a difference or help someone, seriously, good luck to you but get out of the tub and onto the streets and speak to people otherwise you'll just run the risk of being victim to people like me who don't quite fully get what it is you're trying to do or achieve and just point the finger and laugh.

    And seriously...give up the drawings..they are shockingly awful and destroying your credibility, fill up your blog spaces with an anecdote or something nice people can read, vent your rage or talk about something good that happened.

    All the best.

    - Jesus.
